Sun Publishing House

Philosophy Books

The Omegan book series by Sun Publishing House is a philosophical guide to reveal the true nature of reality and teach the process of freeing yourself from the enslavement of your past conditioning to live a life of unbridled passion and energy.


Wake Up, Life is Brief, Death is Forever

The clock is ticking, don’t waste a single minute. Wake up and live! and live! and live!

Excerpt from the book

Your ability to unconditionally accept the things you cannot change in your life, the motivation to change the things you can, and the wisdom to know the difference, in the long run, determine your level of happiness.’

Wake Up, Life is Brief, Death is Forever, pg 214


You Only Have One Life and This is It

Make the most of your life. Be yourself and love yourself. Live life your way and live it fully.

Excerpt from the book

A mission is not something that you do to get more things or worldly experiences, or something that you intellectually create or force on yourself in order to give purpose and meaning to your life. It is much deeper and more significant than that: it is the biological program of who you are. It is a program that, once activated—which happens when you find and start performing your mission—unleashes your full potential for knowing and experiencing life and makes you feel complete and whole at every level of being’

You Only Have One Life And This Is It, pg 146


The Omegan Code

The Process for transforming ordinary humans into enlightened immortal beings, by George Rex Omegan.

Excerpt from the book

The other thing that occurs when the negative emotional energy from past events in your life is removed is that all the painful incidents and limiting feelings and beliefs accumulated over your entire journey in this universe, are transformed into a treasure house of positive memories, available at will. Hence, the past becomes a stepping-stone to the future, and not a stumbling block that limits and controls the future.’

The Omegan Code, pg 104